Programming Assignment 3: Introductory Prolog

Table of Contents

Problem Domain

This assignment is intended to build familiarity with the Prolog programming language.

Project Infrastructure

You will need to download and install your own version of SWI-Prolog. It is freely available from for major operating systems. Major Linux distributions have copies available within their package system.


You are given a directed graph specified in what is termed "arc-clausal form" where, a prolog clause (or fact) is specified for each edge. An example graph and its representation appears below.

You may assume that edge costs are positive.



Write a Prolog predicate path(A,B,P) that returns some shortest path from A to B, for any graph with positive edge costs.


Submit your assignment via Canvas using these submission instructions.


Unlike the previous programming assignments, we are purposefully not providing test cases. Part of the assignment is to invent your own test cases and enhance you code to ensure you can handle them. Your code will be evaluated on general graphs. Important: The graph above is a benign instance, intended to get you started. Do not assume that because the graph and query above does not have some property, that the test cases also will not. If in doubt, please ask!

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